Prinade Consulting

As you craft your graduate school application essay, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can detract from the impact of your message. Here are some of the most common pitfalls that applicants fall into:

Being too general or vague

One of the biggest mistakes that applicants make is being too general or vague in their essays. If you don’t provide specific details or evidence of your past experiences or future goals, it’s much harder for admissions committees to determine what sets you apart from other applicants.

Focusing too much on the past

While your experiences do provide vital context for your essay, it is important to focus on your future goals and what motivates you to pursue your chosen field. Tying your experiences to your long-term goals for your academic career and even beyond add relevance and impressiveness to your essay.

Ineffective proofreading and editing

Careless typos, grammar and punctuation mistakes can be a turn-off for someone reviewing graduate school applications. Always take time to thoroughly proofread and edit your essay. Have someone else read over your draft to catch any potential mistakes that you might overlook. Your essay’s attention to detail and grammatical correctness speaks to your candidates’ potential professionalism.

Repeating information found elsewhere in your application

The admissions panel has access to your transcripts, test scores, and resume – your graduate school application essay should not read like yet another summary of that information. Instead, try to focus on a specific aspect of the application, such as an experience or passion that is not fully articulated anywhere else in the application.

Overemphasizing trivial experiences

While it is a great idea to highlight personal experiences, do not overstate a minor episode or make it seem more important than it really was. Be sure that what you are emphasizing is not only interesting but also an asset to the program that you are applying for.

In conclusion, while your application essay can make or break your chances of getting into your dream graduate school, it is easy to avoid common mistakes as long as you take your time and invest your efforts in it. Avoiding mistakes such as being too general, overemphasizing trivial experiences, and careless editing and proofreading can be the key to submitting an impressive application. We specialize in reviewing graduate school application essays, and our experience can help you submit an essay with minimal errors and effective language. If you want that extra leverage, contact our team of experts today.

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