Prinade Consulting

When it comes to submitting a graduate school application, the essay can be one of the defining factors of your application – a single piece of writing that can make or break your chances of getting accepted. But how do you write a winning graduate school application essay? Here are some secrets that professionals use when reviewing graduate school essays:


Choose a compelling topic

The first step in writing a killer graduate school essay is to choose a topic that will grab the reader’s attention. Think about the experiences that have shaped you as a person, and consider why you are passionate about your chosen field of study. What are the key ideas or themes that you want to convey to the reader? Choose a topic that is highly relevant to the program you are applying to, while still keeping it unique and personal.


Structure your essay well

The structure of your graduate school application essay is critical. Your essay should flow well and have a clear, logical structure with a beginning, middle and conclusion. Generally, the essay should start by introducing yourself and your key background, followed by a description of why you are interested in this particular program, and what you hope to achieve after completing it. Your experiences should be described in detail, and your thoughts should be well-organized and presented in a cohesive manner.


Showcase your skills and experience

You may have done a great job framing your story, but further give credibility to future potential by showcasing your skills and experience. For instance, by describing how you held a leadership role in a successful project, you highlight decision making skills and team management abilities. You can also speak about any notable industry experience, internship opportunities or projects you hope to undertake and why they will help you succeed in the program.


Be creative with language

Finally, as you write your graduate school application essay, be creative with your language. Avoid using repetitive or redundant phrases (such as “I am passionate about…” or “I have always been interested in…”) and instead use creative language to get your point across. For example, “I spent countless hours poring over academic texts” can be transformed into “I often found myself swept away into long afternoons of reading academic literature, sometimes lost entirely in the scholarly arguments and complexities of the material”. Be imaginative and don’t be shy with expressive language.


In summary, crafting a winning graduate school application essay requires a combination of good planning, strong content, and creative delivery. By focusing on your unique experiences and highlighting your skills and achievements throughout, you can grab the admissions panel’s attention and stand out from the crowd. Reviewing graduate school application essays is one of our specialties – drop us a note to learn more and have our team of experts provide guidance on how you can improve your essay for landing placement in your dream graduate school.

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