Prinade Consulting

This is an important part of your application, if not the most important, either for admission or for scholarships. You cannot afford to be lazy with your essays. You must be deliberate. You need to have a plan. If you’re planning to plagiarize or use someone else’s work, good luck with that! No jokes, all schools use a plagiarism checker for essays, so you better be prepared to be original in your essays. 

The following tips should be of help:

  1. Create a document where you can write all your essays. I’ll suggest Google doc because it gives room for collaboration. It’s also important to have this document, especially if you are interested in multiple applications. Most of the questions are similar, so you can always go back to what you’ve written before and suit it to the new application
  2. Understand the question you are about to write on
  3. Make sure you have researched extensively on your course and the school/scholarship
  4. Have a draft including the key points for each paragraph
  5. Go straight to the point when answering the questions! Once you’ve done this, you may then start writing stories to back up your paragraphs. Going straight to the point means you’re bringing your topic sentence first in the paragraph
  6. Be very creative. Nobody wants to read a bland, boring essay. You should write to keep your readers glued to their seats from scratch to finish. My best approach to writing all my essays was to paint a picture of a relatable experience that will resonate with anyone who read them. You can write about something that happened in your childhood or in school that informed your decision to study that course or that school
  7. Never exceed the number of words or characters requested

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